Fire District 6 Clears the Air

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Confusion Over Station Closing.

Let’s be very clear…Clark County Fire District 6 is not closing its station!

There appears to be some confusion over a news story about the closure of a Fire Station in Vancouver.  It was announced last week that the Vancouver Fire Department will close Station 6 on 112th Avenue near Burton Road in December. “Because Clark County Fire District 6 and Station 6 share a similar name, many citizens have confused the two and now believe that Fire District 6 is closing its department.” This is NOT the case! For more information, please call Dawn Johnson, CCFD6 Public Information Officer, 360-356-6040.

Clark County Fire District 6 has some upcoming events: EMS Levy Renewal Information Open Houses and an American Red Cross Blood Drive at the Hazel Dell Fire Station (8800 NE Hazel Dell Avenue) on Friday August, 13 from noon to 5 pm. If you are interested in making an appointment for blood donation, please call 360-695-8522 or visit Code: ccfd6.

This post: “Fire District 6 Clears the Air”
was originally featured at Hazel Dell Live!

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