Family Field Trip Day at Columbia Springs

hey! sharing is caring :)

Join the Adventure.

Time to round up your young adventurers and head over to Columbia Springs this Saturday, November 5, 2011 for Family Field Trip Day from 2-6:30 pm. There will be fun, hands-on learning stations, fall craft projects, a bat house building workshop, and nature-at-night hikes for the whole family.

Join in a scavenger hunt, plant rubbings, activities focused around Bats and Birds (you even have the opportunity to make your own Bat House!). Then head out into the night on a guided tour around Columbia Springs to join owls, bats, and other furry friends. Learn how our senses are affected at night and how they differ from those of nocturnal animals.

The cost to participate is free for adults accompanying children, and $5 per child. The bat house building workshop has an additional $10 per family materials fee. Food will be available for purchase at the event.

For more information contact Mariah Acton by phone at 882-0936 ext. 230 or visit the Columbia Springs website.

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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