Extreme Pumpkin Carving

hey! sharing is caring :)

Patterns, Power Tools and Pyrotechnics, Oh My!

extreme_pumpkinsThis year I was looking for something new, something different for my pumpkin carving. I happened to come across ExtremePumpkins.com, and, well…

“Pumpkin carving at its wildest!…Today is the day we throw away those safe, cute carving tools. Today we will buy a big, ugly, pumpkin so large one man cannot lift or move it. Today. We will carve that (pumpkin) into something ugly and plop it on the front porch. October 31st we will light it brightly enough to give visiting children suntans. Pumpkin carving is reborn.”

Just a note, the site lives up to its name, Extreme Pumpkins, and some people may not find this site as amusing as I did, so “view at your own risk” and Happy Halloween! :lol:

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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