Eating Spaghetti for Doernbechers

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Spaghetti Feed, Silent Auction and Entertainment.

Come join Mr. Columbia River contestants Taryn Oberst and Gunnar Wahl for a fund raiser Spaghetti Feed Dinner on Friday, April 1, 2011 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm, at the 40 Et 8 Bingo Parlor (7607 NE 26th Ave).

There will be a Silent Auction, Entertainment, and of course, a Spaghetti Dinner, complete with salad, bread, drinks, and dessert. You get all this for $25 per family, or $10 per adult and $7 for kids, with 100% of the proceeds going to Doernbecher!

The Mr. Columbia River Pageant takes place Saturday, April 23 and is a mock beauty/talent show for Senior young men at Columbia River High School. This year, there are 17 contestants, and the one who raises the most money for Doernbecher’s is crowned Mr. Columbia River!

This post: “Eating Spaghetti for Doernbechers” was originally featured at Hazel Dell Live!

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