Daybreak Youth Services Receives $100,000 Life Enrichment Grant

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The Washington Women’s Foundation has granted $100,000 to Daybreak Youth Services to help its new life-enrichment program at the RWC Center for Adolescent Recovery. The program, also known as Paths to Prosperity, connects the boys and girls at Daybreak with vocational activities such as dance therapy, outdoor adventures, and art therapy in the community so that they can develop a love for a clean and sober living. These activities will empower them to take the next steps in building futures for themselves and help their path to recovery.

While more than 350 nonprofits in the state were up for the grant, Daybreak was given the grant in the Health category. According to Daybreak CEO Annette Klinefelter, “With so many deserving nonprofits across the state of Washington, it is truly an honor to be elected. We are beyond grateful to receive such generous support for out Paths to Prosperity life enrichment program from Washington Women’s Foundation members.”

For more information about Daybreak Youth Services, visit them online.

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