Clark County Garden Bon Bons

hey! sharing is caring :)

Goodness, Gracious Great Balls of…Seed

Warren Neth at Urban Abundance plans on arming our community with an arsenal of seedballs to create native pollinator habitat and loads of opportunities to harvest bouquets for your friends. No more single seeds to plant and then hope the birds or squirrels don’t eat them before they bloom.

Mix Clay, Compost and Native Wildflower seeds and “presto!” you have seedballs to toss around your yard and neighborhood creating a landscape that supports native pollinators and smiles. Seed balls are one-half inch diameter models of the living world protecting seed from predators and giving them all their base needs for germination once the rains come.

Making seedballs is also a great opportunity to meet others interested in creating abundance in our urban neighborhoods; and besides, you remember how much fun it was to make “mud pies” when you were a kid, right?

The next Wildflower Seedball Workshop will be Tuesday, March 1 from 6:30 to 8 pm at Neighbors Market (1707 Main Street, Vancouver). They will also be serving vegetarian stew, cornbread and salad, so please RSVP if you would like to share food.

For more information, visit My Urban Abundance, or call Warren at 360-771-1296.

*Originally posted January 27, 2011. Updated February 28, 2011.

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