Clark County Burn Ban Lifted

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Clark County Interim Fire Marshal Dan Young announced today he is lifting the ban on recreational and land clearing burning in unincorporated Clark County, effective midnight Wednesday, September. 30.

Residents must follow all local outdoor burning regulations and burning permit requirements. Recreational campfires are allowed if built in improved fire pits in designated campgrounds, such as those found in local, county, and state parks. On private land, recreational fires must be built according to the following regulations:

Fires must be built in a metal, stone, or masonry-lined pit such as those seen in approved campgrounds or in portable units sold in home and garden stores. Fires must not exceed three feet in diameter by two feet in height.

Fires must be attended at all times by a responsible person at least 16 years old and with the ability to extinguish the fire using a shovel, five gallons of water or a connected and charged water hose.

Completely extinguish recreational fires by pouring water or moist soil on them and stirring with a shovel until all parts are cool to the touch.
Young reminds residents that the use of burn barrels is illegal.

For more information, go to

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