The Buzz about Mason Bees

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Boost your garden’s productivity by welcoming Mason Bees into your yard. As bee populations struggle, home gardeners can play an important role in attracting bees and other pollinators.

Mason bees are amazing dynamos that keep your garden healthy and growing. They are very effective pollinators; just two or three females can pollinate a mature apple tree! Mason bees will also work in cool or rainy weather when honeybees are more likely to take the day off.

Come out on October 28th (1:00 pm – 3:00 pm ) to the WSU Extension Clark County Master Gardeners workshop (at the Heritage Farm location) and learn more about mason bees.

Master Gardener Vione Graham will be presenting this free introductory workshop that will explore these gentle friends and incredible pollinators.

The presentation will cover the role mason bees play in pollination, their life cycle and how we can protect these valuable creatures.

This is a hands-on workshop, so bring a medium-size bowl and a container with a lid (such as a yogurt tub).

The event will conclude with a demonstration of nest/cocoon cleaning, so if you have mason bee cocoons and a nest structure designed to come apart, bring them and plan to clean them.

See you there!!

Mason bees are very effective pollinators. Just two or three females can pollinate a mature apple tree! Mason bees will also work in cool or rainy weather when honeybees are more likely to take the day off.

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