Welcome to BoostrBook

part of the ‘ClubLocal’ program from your friends at ClarkCountyLive!

To Find, Review, and Redeem your Offers…

  • Use “Search” (below) to look for specific Offers by Title, Keyword, or Description.
  • or simply visit the BoostrBook Offers listing page, where you’ll find the BoostrBook deals and discounts from all over the community.

Search Offers by Keyword

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To REDEEM any BoostrBook offer:

Search. Click. Open. Redeem. Enjoy. SCORE!

1. Search via any searchbox to find the Offer you’re looking to redeem (by keyword or company name)
2. Click the Offer name to go to the selected Offer listing
3. Open the Offer listing, scroll down to the section that says: “Hi, your codes for this Offer are listed below.” (remember, you’ll only see this if logged in)
4. Redeem when you are ready to checkout. Just click on the “OPEN” button in the REDEEM column. The REDEEM Offer page will open, simply follow the Redeem instructions on that page. (remember, you’ll only see this on mobile/tablet)
5. Enjoy!

Important Notes:
– You must be logged in to access your available Offer codes.
– Offer redemptions are only available on a mobile/tablet device.

Thanks for your support of the organizations and businesses in the BoostrBook program!

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