Annual Lough Legacy Veterans Day Parade

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November 11th, 2017 marks the 31st anniversary of the Annual Veterans Parade at Fort Vancouver.

This is a community favorite that not only honors Veterans of all service branches, but also brings people together to show support for those that have given so much for our freedom.

You don’t want to miss the amazing displays and parade presentations of over 2,500 individuals marching or riding in the parade.

It is one of the largest Veterans parades on the West Coast!!

The Fort Vancouver National Trust, in collaboration with the Community Military Appreciation Committee, will begin the day with a Veteran’s Day Ceremony at 10:00 am in the Providence Academy Ballroom.

Covered seating on the Academy lawn will be provided after the ceremony for parade viewing.

The parade will start at 11:00 am, but will follow a different route than in previous years. The new route will begin at the east end of Officers Row at East Reserve Street. The parade will head west along Evergreen Blvd, past Officers Row and the Providence Academy. At the Vancouver Library, the parade will head south down “C” Street and turn west on 8th Street. From 8th Street the parade will turn north on Main Street, then head east on 11th Street, ending at the west side of the Providence Academy.

You are invited to watch the parade from the sidewalks, grass, and covered areas along the parade route.

Want to volunteer and be an important part of this community event to honor veterans?

Through rain, sun and even snow, dedicated volunteers have the life blood of the annual Veterans Parade. Tasks include helping parade participants line up, register new groups, assist with preparations for the ceremony and more.

If you have any questions about being a volunteer please email [email protected]

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hey! sharing is caring :)

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