7th Annual SWWA Jobs Fair and Workshop

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If you are looking for a job or even thinking of changing careers, then you don’t want to miss these two FREE events; the 2017 Southwest Washington Jobs Fair and the Jobs Hunting Workshop.

On Tuesday, August 15th,  from 9:00 am – 11:30 am come out to the Vancouver Library for the Southwest Washington Job Hunting Workshop.

You will have the chance to brush up on your interviewing skills, learn more about using social media to further your career, get some excellent resume tips and tools and learn about the Importance of Thank-You’s.

And once you are all prepped and ready to go…the employers are waiting for you at Warehouse ’23 at the 7th Annual Southwest Washington Jobs Fair on Monday, August 21st from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm. Bring your resume in hand and make sure you are dressed to impress.

This event will be open to all Southwest Washington residents and will include employers from a variety of industries.

Check out the list of employers who will be there.

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