Evergreen Habitat for Humanity Dedicates 31st Home

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On January 19th, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Evergreen Habitat for Humanity will dedicate the organization’s 31st home in Clark County and family home for Michelle and Charles Frost at 3606 O Street, Vancouver, WA. Charles, a package handler at UPS, and Michelle, a stay at home mother, are getting excited as their home nears completion. Charles told Habitat “I feel like we have worked really hard to be where we are today” this is evident due to the countless hours the couple has put in working on their home and the home of other families in the Habitat program.

The home was built in the collaboration with Evergreen School District, Mt. View High School, and Evergreen High School. Students at both schools enrolled in Geometry in Construction to earn their math credit while getting hands-on building experience. The class is taught through College Careers and Technical Education for those students who want to learn about the trades. The students worked on their job site at each school, much like regular volunteers work on the traditional job site. This home couldn’t have been built without the support of the Evergreen School District and the tireless dedication of the students in the program.

This home was also made possible thanks to the financial support of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and The Community Foundation for Southwest Washington.

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