Compost Rap Clark County Style

hey! sharing is caring :)

Compost Happens!

columbia_springsSo, I started reading the Columbia Springs Master Composter/Recycler Newsletter, and on the front page is the Compost Rap, written by Jo Anne Dolan, Master Composter/Recycler Coordinator.  I just had to share!

Compost Rap

Been cut and raked, bagged and dumped
Just lyin’ here in an old wet lump
Could’a been thrown in a compost heap
Turned to soil, gave your lawn a treat.

We take heaps o’ room in the old landfill
Takin’ lots a money from the taxpayers’ till
Save the haulin’ put us under a tree
Feed your plants for the low cost of FREE.

Mix some green with mostly brown
Give us some humus from outa’ the ground
With bacteria and some tiny mold
In time you’ll see it’s better than gold.

Put us in a pile and turn us once a week
Add table scraps and other debris
We’ll get real warm through microbial action
And you’ll feel a heap of deep soil satisfaction!



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hey! sharing is caring :)

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