Clark County Sheriffs Office Community Forum

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Proposed Panhandling Ordinance.

Have you seen someone on the street corner asking for money? I have. Have you ever given them money? I have. Have you ever looked the other way? I have. Do you ever wonder what the best way to help is? Yep, me, too.

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting a Community Forum on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Public Safety Complex (505 NW 179th Street, Ridgefield; the one by the Clark County Fairgrounds) and asking for public input on a proposed ordinance to address panhandling activities in the county.

The Sheriff’s Office will share information about: Complaints about the increased presence of panhandlers in Hazel Dell and Orchards and how they sometimes block traffic or solicit donations in an aggressive manner. There currently is no ordinance prohibiting the solicitation of donations in this way. How other counties in the state have curbed the panhandling problem and increased public safety.

If you need auxilary aids or services in order to attend, contact the Clark County ADA Office. Voice (360) 397-2000; Relay (800) 833-6384; E-mail [email protected].


This post: Clark County Sheriffs Office Community Forum was originally featured on Salmon Creek Live!

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